Whenever we wake up in the morning the very first job is to take a look at the calendar hanging on the wall to get know what the day and date it is today. If the weekend is near we smile and if it’s Monday we just become sad to know that. Well jokes apart, calendars are the most important essentials of the house especially for the walls. They are neither the wall art pieces nor the decor accessories but they can be made to look gorgeous and decorous if you get a little creative and imaginative with them.
And here we are with 9 DIY ultra chic calendar ideas that you can make at home using some cheap and free supplies so that you can have a stylish calendar hanging on your walls. Things like the hangers, washi tapes paper, paint and photos have been used to let you have some unique and trendy calendar for your house which would also work as wall art enhancing the beauty of your decor more and more. So all you need to have a sneak peek into the following ideas and choose which would suit and fit your decor type the most.
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Snug Column:
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Lucite Wall Calendar:
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Printable Calendar:
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Washi Tape:
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Photo Calendar:
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Chalkboard Tape Wall Calendar:
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Hanger Calendar:
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Perceptual Wall Calendar:
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Digital Number Puzzle:
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