A well-maintained backyard or perfectly manicured garden is indeed a joy for the eyes and soul. Whether your garden is big or small or whatever the season, there is always a right way to take care of your lawn and garden beds. There could be a lot going on with different gardens and yards, such as planting annuals, making separate beds for veggies, pruning those hedges, and lots more.

For those looking for some easy garden and yard maintenance tips, this is just the right page to get the important information. The good news is that you can learn on your own based on your observation and experience, as nature is the best teacher. However, you can be smart and go through the following tips on how to maintain your garden the whole year round.
- Tidying and cleaning your garden or yard is the first step. Get rid of any clutter and clean up the furniture and other stuff. Follow careful instructions when cleaning teak outdoor furniture, as you can easily damage the wood with low-quality products.
- Regular watering is essential to keep the plants hydrated and maintain moisture. However, one must water early in the morning or late in the evening and ensure that one focuses on the base of the plants and waters gently.
- Late winter and early spring are the right times for pruning. However, a lot will depend on when the shrub blooms and how it is flowering s compared to the last season. Remove any unwanted lower branches in winter.
- Get rid of all those aggressive weeds right away, or they will be too difficult to manage. You can work more during the summer months in your backyard or the garden to remove those weeds. If you delay, they will only go deeper and stronger, making it difficult to pull out.
- Fertilizers are important, but you should know when to add them to the garden. Autumn is the best time, as this is the time when young plants are building their root systems. Do not fertilize early in the spring, as that will divert the plant’s energy into developing leaves. Fertilization should be over before the summer begins.
- It is best to use compost, rotted manure at least six months old. Avoid fresh manure, which carries high levels of nitrogen and can “burn” plants. Moreover, there is always a risk of the presence of parasites and pathogens in fresh manure, which can harm the garden. Do not use manure prepared from the garden waste of pigs, dogs, and cats.
- Pay close attention to how the light falls in your garden and where it stays for the longest time. Grow vegetables in the sunniest location, as they need full sun for at least a couple of hours. Look for a shaded area to grow spinach, radishes, lettuce, and cabbage. With the right planning, you are sure to get the best results.
- Understand the drainage of the soil in your garden. If the soil is consistently wet, it means that you are either over-watering or there are no air pockets in the soil for proper drainage. Add some materials to improve the soil quality and drainage to keep the plants nourished and well-watered.