A writing retreat is a chance for you to get away from all your distractions to focus on one thing only, writing. Sometimes, a change of environment is all you need to get motivation and energy to write. You have an option of joining a group going for a retreat but going on a solo DIY retreat can be more beneficial and effective.
If you are thinking of going on a solo retreat, you may be worried about the amount of time, money, and resources that you will spend. However, it does not need to be expensive. Here are a few tips to help you plan a creative retreat just to write.
Have a Daily Writing Plan
Before going for a writers getaway, create a daily writing plan. Have a goal of how much you will write each day and stick to the plan. This will help you do as much as you can during the retreat while balancing other things such as rest and relaxation.
As a new writer, you need to refrain from planning too much or too little. Avoid planning for every single minute of the day and also do not plan too little such that you get confused about what to do while at the retreat. Despite having plans, make room for flexibility in case you need to make any changes to your plan.
Prepare an Outline
Create an outline for all that you would like to do during the retreat. An outline for what you will write is also important. It will help you stay on the writing path you are following and avoid going off course. Your points are also likely to flow more smoothly when you already have an outline.
You can also have an outline for the activities you would like to take part in while at the retreat. As much as the sole purpose of the retreat was to write, you also need to relax and have some fun. You can download templates for writing an outline to make the task easier.
Search for a Suitable Retreat Location
Most people will put off going for a retreat because of the cost of accommodation. However, you can get many different types of writers retreat cabin that are affordable and comfortable. If you are unable to find accommodation that matches your budget, you can try find some on AirBnB. Look for a place that is at least an hour away from you so that you get the feel of being on a retreat.
Before settling on a location, ensure you do a thorough research on it including reading reviews from previous visitors. If possible, visit the place earlier to see if it will be suitable for you when you finally go for the retreat.
Alert People You Will Be Unavailable
You want to avoid any distractions during your retreat. This includes unnecessary phone calls, invitations to events or work. To avoid any distractions, alert people you will be unavailable for a certain period of time and let them know when you expect to be back. Of course, you should have a form of communication open in case of any emergencies that you need to attend to.
If you are a student and part time writer and are on a writing retreat, you definitely worry about assignments. Worry no further if you have been wondering ‘who will type me an essay when I am away?’ as there are many professional writings willing to help you out with all your academic work as you focus on your writing during the retreat.
Focus on Your Writing
Use the time you have to focus on your writing. During such artistic retreats, avoid doing other things including trying to find photos or editing the ones you have. Focus solely on your writing and do not put so much emphasis on the little things such as sentence structure. Such mistakes can be edited later on.
To write effectively, take breaks whenever you feel tired or overwhelmed. When you try to do too much, you may accomplish very little so listen to your body every time it needs a break.
A writing retreat is probably all you need to finally get started writing or to finish what you had already started. The retreat does not need to be expensive. You can find affordable accommodation by checking out sites such as Airbnb and similar ones to find a cabin suitable for you. If possible, visit the place beforehand to determine if it is suitable.
To ensure you have an effective retreat, plan ahead by having a planned-out schedule and an outline to be used as you write. Be flexible by not planning every minute of the day so that you can make room for any changes that you need to make.
Susan Wallace is an author and a professional writer. She shares tips that have made her writing career success so that other aspiring writers can also benefit. As a hobby, Susan loves reading and blogging about some of her favorite topics.