Setting up a beautiful fireplace is an easy way to improve the look of your Duluth home. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it can also provide warmth and comfort on chilly winter nights.
However, many people are unsure of how to go about setting up their fireplaces correctly. Don’t worry – you don’t need to hire a professional to do this! With these four simple tips, you can easily set up your fireplace and create a warm and inviting space in your home.
Here are four tips for setting up your beautiful fireplace in Duluth.

Choosing the right wood
You’ll want to choose a wood that is easy to ignite and that burns evenly. The choice of Duluth Firewood is a good one, as you can find kiln-dried options that are easy to light and that will provide you with a long-lasting fire. You can easily find pick-up and delivery services that will drop the wood off at your doorstep, making it even easier to get started.
As for the choice of wood, hardwoods such as oak or maple are a good choice, as they will provide long-lasting heat. Avoid using softwoods such as cedar or pine, as they can create a lot of smoke and may not burn as evenly.
Preparing the fireplace
Before you start your fire, you’ll want to make sure that the fireplace is clean and free of any debris. It’s also a good idea to line the bottom of the fireplace with some sand or ashes, as this will help to absorb any sparks that may fly out.
Additionally, you should always use a fire screen to help protect your home from any errant sparks.
If you want to further prepare the fireplace, you can also install a set of gas logs. This will give the appearance of a real fire without any of the hassle.
Getting the perfect flame
The key to a beautiful fireplace is in the flames. You’ll want to adjust the damper so that it’s open about halfway. This will allow enough air to circulate and create vibrant, dancing flames. If your flames are too low, you can add more wood to the fire. If they’re too high, you can close the damper a bit to help regulate the airflow.
On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more subdued fire, then you can close the damper almost all the way. This will create a smoldering fire that will give off less heat but will still provide a warm and inviting ambiance.
Maintaining your fireplace
Once you have your perfect fire going, you’ll want to make sure that you maintain it properly. This means adding more wood as needed and keeping an eye on the level of the flames.
You should also regularly clean out your fireplace to remove any soot or ashes that have accumulated. This will help to keep your fireplace looking its best and prevent any potential fire outbursts.

With these four simple tips, you can easily set up your beautiful fireplace and create a warm and inviting space in your home. By choosing the right wood, preparing the fireplace correctly, getting the perfect flame, and maintaining it properly, you’ll be able to enjoy a fireside ambiance all winter long.